How to Pay for a Doula!

We all know that we will spend THOUSANDS of dollars on our wedding day….that one singular day of memories and traditions that every engaged person dreams of. To share this life altering experience with the ones we love.

But what about the birth of our children? That is a day we will remember as well, yet we rarely save for and spend nearly as much on the birth of our child as we do on our weddings. Often, we are busy buying a home, or paying off student loans or some other adulting task we have to take care of.

Fear not my expecting friend, for there are multiple ways to help pay for the things you NEED for your little stork delivery.

For instance, you could ask for funds to pay for birth and postpartum support at your baby shower! Everyone ends up with baskets of new baby clothes and toys, much that will never be worn because the baby will grow faster than you can possibly get them into all the adorable outfits you have in their closet. And the toys! my goodness, the toys! Your friends and family would probably rather give you money to help pay for birth support, that get you a random gift that you may never use.

Health Savings accounts are another great way to pay for doula and lactation services. Yes, you usually have to pay out of pocket, but your provider will give you a receipt to be reimbursed.

Crowd funding is another possibility. Gofundme is used for so many life events to help get support from your friends and family. You can also ask friends and family to go to the website and they can put funds towards your support. Just ask your doula if they have an account with behervillage or ask them to set one up, so you can send people to your services to be funded. (psst…btw….I have a behervillage account I would be glad to help you find funding with)

Some employers provide doula services as part of their benefits package. Check with your HR to see if your employer offers this. If not, maybe suggest it to them, and your doula can help set up someone to meet with your HR to discuss the benefit of having this as part of their benefits package.

Very few insurance companies pay for doula services at this time, but there are some that do. TRi-care does if you are military.

State Medicaid recipients do have access to a doula as part of their insurance in many states. More and more states are passing this into law as they see how beneficial it is to have birthing support for new parents. (Psst!…..I am a state registered THW doula and love to support Medicaid clients)

I would love to discuss any other ideas anyone has for ways to fund birth and postpartum support. Leave me a comment with your ideas and resources.


Who You Allow in your Birth Space